Salt Creek
Nature Sanctuary

Franklin County, IN

A 280-acre preserve in Franklin County, Indiana, the sanctuary features a rich mix of woods, fields, meadows, streams, vernal pools, and a pond. Here, we work to preserve, restore, and create habitat for native species, to encourage pollinators, and to provide opportunities for nature study and contemplation.

Habitat Restoration

TOS works with youth groups and volunteers to improve and restore Salt Creek Nature Sanctuary’s natural habitats. They help maintain trails, remove invasive species, create vernal pools, and learn about the ecology of the area.

Contemplation Sites

Salt Creek Nature Sanctuary features a Memorial Garden and more than a dozen sites that foster refection and contemplation. They incorporate and reflect a variety of worldviews, including those based on Native American, Buddhist, Christian, and earth-based belief systems.

Memorial Garden

If you are looking for an alternative to traditional burial arrangements, you can have your ashes, or those of a loved one, placed in the Memorial Garden or elsewhere at the sanctuary. Loved ones whose ashes are spread at the sanctuary may have a plaque placed on the Memorial Garden wall.


Celebration of Life

Each year, on the third weekend of September, TOS hosts a Celebration of Life at the Salt Creek Nature Sanctuary. An adaptation of Mexico's Day of the Dead, it’s a festive occasion designed to honor loved ones who have passed on, but who never truly leave us. The Celebration of Life coincides with the passage of monarch butterflies and ruby-throated hummingbirds as they journey southward.

For More Information

If you are interested in any of the programs above, please contact Don Kaufman at


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